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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Out of the Nealy 80 Tablets We Saw at This Year’s CES, Here’s Our Favorites… | Mobile Marketing Watch

Out of the Nealy 80 Tablets We Saw at This Year’s CES, Here’s Our Favorites… | Mobile Marketing Watch

RIM’s Blackberry Playbook
Mobile Marketing Out of the Nealy 80 Tablets We Saw at This Years CES, Heres Our Favorites...We know there’s been a lot of press regarding RIM’s highly-anticipated entrance into the world of tablets, but it’s for good reason. The Blackberry Playbook is an awesome device, and one I see making huge strides once it’s released in the near future. Sporting a 7-inch, HD display the device is beautiful. Like most tablets entering the market this year, it comes packed with a powerful dual-core processor that facilitates multi-tasking in a way that seems light-years ahead of the iPad — even effortlessly streaming two HD-quality videos at the same time without breaking a sweat. Other goodies include front and rear HD video cameras, micro USB and HDMI outputs and full 4G connectivity. I have to say I had my doubts about the Playbook, but after going hands-on with one at CES, I must admit that RIM has done a fabulous job with its first-gen tablet.
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